islr notes and exercises from An Introduction to Statistical Learning

3. Linear Regression

Exercise 9: Multiple regression of mpg on numerical features in auto

Preparing the dataset

Import pandas, load the Auto dataset, and inspect

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

auto = pd.read_csv('../../datasets/Auto.csv')
Unnamed: 0 mpg cylinders displacement horsepower weight acceleration year origin name
0 1 18.0 8 307.0 130 3504 12.0 70 1 chevrolet chevelle malibu
1 2 15.0 8 350.0 165 3693 11.5 70 1 buick skylark 320
2 3 18.0 8 318.0 150 3436 11.0 70 1 plymouth satellite
3 4 16.0 8 304.0 150 3433 12.0 70 1 amc rebel sst
4 5 17.0 8 302.0 140 3449 10.5 70 1 ford torino
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 392 entries, 0 to 391
Data columns (total 10 columns):
Unnamed: 0      392 non-null int64
mpg             392 non-null float64
cylinders       392 non-null int64
displacement    392 non-null float64
horsepower      392 non-null int64
weight          392 non-null int64
acceleration    392 non-null float64
year            392 non-null int64
origin          392 non-null int64
name            392 non-null object
dtypes: float64(3), int64(6), object(1)
memory usage: 30.7+ KB

There are missing values represented by '?' in horsepower. We’ll impute these by using mean values for the cylinders class

# replace `?` with nans
auto.loc[:, 'horsepower'].apply(lambda x: np.nan if x == '?' else x)

# cast horsepower to numeric dtype
auto.loc[:, 'horsepower'] = pd.to_numeric(auto.horsepower)

# now impute values
auto.loc[:, 'horsepower'] = auto.horsepower.fillna(auto.horsepower.mean())
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 392 entries, 0 to 391
Data columns (total 10 columns):
Unnamed: 0      392 non-null int64
mpg             392 non-null float64
cylinders       392 non-null int64
displacement    392 non-null float64
horsepower      392 non-null int64
weight          392 non-null int64
acceleration    392 non-null float64
year            392 non-null int64
origin          392 non-null int64
name            392 non-null object
dtypes: float64(3), int64(6), object(1)
memory usage: 30.7+ KB

a. Scatterplot matrix of auto

# setup
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

%matplotlib inline'seaborn-white')


b. Correlation matrix of auto

Compute the correlation matrix of the numerical variables

mpg cylinders displacement horsepower weight acceleration year origin
mpg 1.000000 -0.776260 -0.804443 -0.776230 -0.831739 0.422297 0.581469 0.563698
cylinders -0.776260 1.000000 0.950920 0.843640 0.897017 -0.504061 -0.346717 -0.564972
displacement -0.804443 0.950920 1.000000 0.897584 0.933104 -0.544162 -0.369804 -0.610664
horsepower -0.776230 0.843640 0.897584 1.000000 0.864320 -0.688223 -0.415617 -0.451925
weight -0.831739 0.897017 0.933104 0.864320 1.000000 -0.419502 -0.307900 -0.581265
acceleration 0.422297 -0.504061 -0.544162 -0.688223 -0.419502 1.000000 0.282901 0.210084
year 0.581469 -0.346717 -0.369804 -0.415617 -0.307900 0.282901 1.000000 0.184314
origin 0.563698 -0.564972 -0.610664 -0.451925 -0.581265 0.210084 0.184314 1.000000

c. Fitting the model

import statsmodels.api as sm

# drop non-numerical columns and rows with null entries
model_df = auto.drop(['name'], axis=1).dropna()
X, Y = model_df.drop(['mpg'], axis=1), model_df.mpg

# add constant
X = sm.add_constant(X)

# create and fit model
model = sm.OLS(Y, X).fit()

# show results summary
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: mpg R-squared: 0.822
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.819
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 256.4
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2018 Prob (F-statistic): 1.89e-141
Time: 19:28:06 Log-Likelihood: -1037.2
No. Observations: 397 AIC: 2090.
Df Residuals: 389 BIC: 2122.
Df Model: 7
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
const -18.0900 4.629 -3.908 0.000 -27.191 -8.989
cylinders -0.4560 0.322 -1.414 0.158 -1.090 0.178
displacement 0.0196 0.008 2.608 0.009 0.005 0.034
horsepower -0.0136 0.014 -0.993 0.321 -0.040 0.013
weight -0.0066 0.001 -10.304 0.000 -0.008 -0.005
acceleration 0.0998 0.098 1.021 0.308 -0.092 0.292
year 0.7587 0.051 14.969 0.000 0.659 0.858
origin 1.4199 0.277 5.132 0.000 0.876 1.964
Omnibus: 30.088 Durbin-Watson: 1.294
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 48.301
Skew: 0.511 Prob(JB): 3.25e-11
Kurtosis: 4.370 Cond. No. 8.58e+04

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 8.58e+04. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.

i. Is there a relationship between the predictors and the mpg?

This question is answered by the pp-value of the FF-statistic


This is effectively zero, so the answer is yes

ii. Which predictors appear to have a statistically significant relationship to the response?

This is answered by the pp-values of the individual predictors

const           1.097017e-04
cylinders       1.580259e-01
displacement    9.455004e-03
horsepower      3.212038e-01
weight          3.578587e-22
acceleration    3.077592e-01
year            2.502539e-40
origin          4.530034e-07
dtype: float64

A common cutoff is a pp-value of 0.05, so by this standard, the predictors with a statistically significant relationship to mpg are

is_stat_sig = model.pvalues < 0.05
const           1.097017e-04
displacement    9.455004e-03
weight          3.578587e-22
year            2.502539e-40
origin          4.530034e-07
dtype: float64

And those which do not are

model.pvalues[~ is_stat_sig]
cylinders       0.158026
horsepower      0.321204
acceleration    0.307759
dtype: float64

This is surprising, since we found a statistically significant relationship between horsepower and mpg in exercise 8.

iii. What does the coefficient for the year variable suggest?

That fuel efficiency has been improving over time

d. Diagnostic plots

First we assemble the results in a dataframe and clean up a bit

# get full prediction results
pred_df = model.get_prediction().summary_frame()

# rename columns to avoid `mean` name conflicts and other confusions
new_names = {}
for name in pred_df.columns:
    if 'mean' in name:
        new_names[name] = name.replace('mean', 'mpg_pred')
    elif 'obs_ci' in name:
        new_names[name] = name.replace('obs_ci', 'mpg_pred_pi')
        new_names[name] = name
pred_df = pred_df.rename(new_names, axis='columns')

# concat into final df
model_df = pd.concat([model_df, pred_df], axis=1)
mpg cylinders displacement horsepower weight acceleration year origin mpg_pred mpg_pred_se mpg_pred_ci_lower mpg_pred_ci_upper mpg_pred_pi_lower mpg_pred_pi_upper
0 18.0 8 307.0 130.0 3504 12.0 70 1 14.966498 0.506952 13.969789 15.963208 8.338758 21.594239
1 15.0 8 350.0 165.0 3693 11.5 70 1 14.028743 0.446127 13.151621 14.905865 7.417930 20.639557
2 18.0 8 318.0 150.0 3436 11.0 70 1 15.262507 0.487309 14.304418 16.220595 8.640464 21.884549
3 16.0 8 304.0 150.0 3433 12.0 70 1 15.107684 0.493468 14.137487 16.077882 8.483879 21.731490
4 17.0 8 302.0 140.0 3449 10.5 70 1 14.948273 0.535264 13.895900 16.000646 8.311933 21.584612

Now we plot the 4 diagnostic plots returned by R’s lm() function (see [exercise 8)

Standardized residuals vs fitted value

# add residuals to df
model_df['resid'] = model.resid

# plot
plt.ylabel('standardized resid')
sns.regplot(model_df.mpg_pred, model_df.resid/model_df.resid.std(), lowess=True, 
            line_kws={'color':'r', 'lw':1},
            scatter_kws={'facecolors':'grey', 'edgecolors':'grey', 'alpha':0.4})


Standardized residuals QQ-plot

sm.qqplot(model_df.resid/model_df.resid.std(), color='grey', alpha=0.5, xlabel='')
plt.ylabel('studentized resid quantiles')
plt.xlabel('standard normal quantiles')


Scale-location plot

plt.ylabel('√|standardized resid|')
sns.regplot(model_df.mpg_pred, np.sqrt(np.abs(model_df.resid/model_df.resid.std())), lowess=True, 
            line_kws={'color':'r', 'lw':1},
            scatter_kws={'facecolors':'grey', 'edgecolors':'grey', 'alpha':0.4})


Influence Plot

# influence plot
axes = sns.regplot(model.get_influence().hat_matrix_diag, model_df.resid/model_df.resid.std(), 
            line_kws={'color':'r', 'lw':1},
            scatter_kws={'facecolors':'grey', 'edgecolors':'grey', 'alpha':0.4})
plt.ylabel('studentized resid')
x = np.linspace(0.01, axes.get_xlim()[1], 50)
plt.plot(x, np.sqrt(0.5*(1 - x)/x), color='red', linestyle='dashed')
plt.plot(x, np.sqrt((1 - x)/x), color='red', linestyle='dashed')


From these diagnostic plots we conclude

  • There is non-linearity in the data
  • There are a handful of outliers (studentized residual \geqslant 3)
  • The normality assumption is appropriate
  • The data shows heteroscedasticity
  • There are no high influence points

e. Interaction effects

We are told to use the * and ~ R operators to investigate interaction effects. Thankfully statmodels has support for these.

To use : , we will fit a model consisting of only pairwise interaction terms XiXjX_iX_j

import itertools as it
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

# generate formula for interaction terms 
names = list(auto.columns.drop('name').drop('mpg'))
pairs = list(it.product(names, names))
terms  = [name1 + ' : ' + name2 for (name1, name2) in pairs if name1 != name2]
formula = 'mpg ~ '

for term in terms:
    formula += term + ' + '
formula = formula[:-3]
'mpg ~ cylinders : displacement + cylinders : horsepower + cylinders : weight + cylinders : acceleration + cylinders : year + cylinders : origin + displacement : cylinders + displacement : horsepower + displacement : weight + displacement : acceleration + displacement : year + displacement : origin + horsepower : cylinders + horsepower : displacement + horsepower : weight + horsepower : acceleration + horsepower : year + horsepower : origin + weight : cylinders + weight : displacement + weight : horsepower + weight : acceleration + weight : year + weight : origin + acceleration : cylinders + acceleration : displacement + acceleration : horsepower + acceleration : weight + acceleration : year + acceleration : origin + year : cylinders + year : displacement + year : horsepower + year : weight + year : acceleration + year : origin + origin : cylinders + origin : displacement + origin : horsepower + origin : weight + origin : acceleration + origin : year'
# fit a regression model with only interaction terms
pair_int_model = smf.ols(formula=formula, data=auto).fit()

And find the statisitcally significant interactions

# show interactions with p value less than 0.05
pair_int_model.pvalues[pair_int_model.pvalues < 5e-2]
Intercept                    0.005821
cylinders:year               0.014595
displacement:acceleration    0.010101
displacement:year            0.000036
displacement:origin          0.015855
weight:acceleration          0.005177
acceleration:year            0.000007
year:origin                  0.045881
dtype: float64

Now to use + we fit a model consisting of all features XiX_i and all possible interactions

# generate formula for interaction terms 
names = list(auto.columns.drop('name').drop('mpg'))
formula = 'mpg ~ '
for name in names:
    formula += name + '*'
formula = formula[:-1]
'mpg ~ cylinders*displacement*horsepower*weight*acceleration*year*origin'
# fit a regression model with all features and all possible interaction terms
full_int_model = smf.ols(formula=formula, data=auto).fit()

Finally, we find the statistically significant terms

full_int_model.pvalues[full_int_model.pvalues < 0.05]
Series([], dtype: float64)

In this case, including all possible interactions has led to none of them being statistically significant, even the pairwise interactions.

f. Variable transformations

We’ll try the suggested variable transformations log(X),X,X2\log(X), \sqrt{X}, X^2.

# drop constant before transformation, else const for log(X) will be zero
X = X.drop('const', axis=1)
import numpy as np
import statsmodels.api as sm

# transform data
log_X = np.log(X)
sqrt_X = np.sqrt(X)
X_sq = X**2

# fit models with constants
log_model = sm.OLS(Y, sm.add_constant(log_X)).fit()
sqrt_model = sm.OLS(Y, sm.add_constant(sqrt_X)).fit()
sq_model = sm.OLS(Y, sm.add_constant(X_sq)).fit()

Now we’ll look at each of these models individually:

The log model

OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: mpg R-squared: 0.848
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.845
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 310.3
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2018 Prob (F-statistic): 6.92e-155
Time: 19:28:07 Log-Likelihood: -1005.5
No. Observations: 397 AIC: 2027.
Df Residuals: 389 BIC: 2059.
Df Model: 7
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
const -67.0838 17.433 -3.848 0.000 -101.358 -32.810
cylinders 1.8114 1.658 1.093 0.275 -1.448 5.070
displacement -1.0935 1.540 -0.710 0.478 -4.121 1.934
horsepower -6.2631 1.528 -4.100 0.000 -9.267 -3.259
weight -13.4966 2.185 -6.178 0.000 -17.792 -9.201
acceleration -4.3687 1.577 -2.770 0.006 -7.469 -1.268
year 55.5963 3.540 15.704 0.000 48.636 62.557
origin 1.5763 0.506 3.118 0.002 0.582 2.570
Omnibus: 39.413 Durbin-Watson: 1.381
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 76.214
Skew: 0.576 Prob(JB): 2.82e-17
Kurtosis: 4.812 Cond. No. 1.36e+03

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 1.36e+03. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.

Very large R2R^2 and very low pp-value for the FF-statistic suggest this is a useful model. Interestingly, this model gives very large pp-values for the features cylinders and displacement.

The statistically significant features of the the original and log models and their p-values

stat_sig_df = pd.concat([model.pvalues[is_stat_sig], log_model.pvalues[is_stat_sig]], join='outer', axis=1, sort=False)
stat_sig_df = stat_sig_df.rename({0 : 'model_pval', 1: 'log_model_pval'}, axis='columns')
model_pval log_model_pval
const 1.097017e-04 1.390585e-04
displacement 9.455004e-03 4.780250e-01
weight 3.578587e-22 1.641584e-09
year 2.502539e-40 2.150054e-43
origin 4.530034e-07 1.958604e-03

The insignificant features and p-values are

stat_sig_df = pd.concat([model.pvalues[~ is_stat_sig], log_model.pvalues[~ is_stat_sig]], join='outer', axis=1, sort=False)
stat_sig_df = stat_sig_df.rename({0 : 'model_pval', 1: 'log_model_pval'}, axis='columns')
model_pval log_model_pval
cylinders 0.158026 0.275162
horsepower 0.321204 0.000050
acceleration 0.307759 0.005869

So the original and log models are in total agreement about which features are significant!

Let’s look at prediction accuracy.

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error

# split the data
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(auto.drop(['name', 'mpg'], axis=1).dropna(), auto.mpg)

# transform
log_X_train, log_X_test = np.log(X_train), np.log(X_test)

# train models
reg_model = LinearRegression().fit(X_train, y_train)
log_model = LinearRegression().fit(log_X_train, y_train)

# get train mean squared errors
reg_train_mse = mean_squared_error(y_train, reg_model.predict(X_train))
log_train_mse = mean_squared_error(y_train, log_model.predict(log_X_train))

print("The reg model train mse is {} and the log model train mse is {}".format(round(reg_train_mse, 3), round(log_train_mse, 3)))

# get test mean squared errors
reg_test_mse = mean_squared_error(y_test, reg_model.predict(X_test))
log_test_mse = mean_squared_error(y_test, log_model.predict(log_X_test))

print("The reg model test mse is {} and the log model test mse is {}".format(round(reg_test_mse, 3), round(log_test_mse, 3)))
The reg model train mse is 11.111 and the log model train mse is 9.496
The reg model test mse is 10.434 and the log model test mse is 8.83

From a prediction standpoint, the log(X)log(X) model is an improvement

The square root model

OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: mpg R-squared: 0.834
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.831
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 279.5
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2018 Prob (F-statistic): 1.76e-147
Time: 19:29:40 Log-Likelihood: -1023.0
No. Observations: 397 AIC: 2062.
Df Residuals: 389 BIC: 2094.
Df Model: 7
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
const -51.9765 9.138 -5.688 0.000 -69.942 -34.011
cylinders -0.0144 1.535 -0.009 0.993 -3.031 3.003
displacement 0.2176 0.229 0.948 0.344 -0.234 0.669
horsepower -0.6775 0.303 -2.233 0.026 -1.274 -0.081
weight -0.6471 0.078 -8.323 0.000 -0.800 -0.494
acceleration -0.5983 0.821 -0.729 0.467 -2.212 1.016
year 12.9347 0.854 15.139 0.000 11.255 14.614
origin 3.2448 0.763 4.253 0.000 1.745 4.745
Omnibus: 38.601 Durbin-Watson: 1.306
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 69.511
Skew: 0.589 Prob(JB): 8.05e-16
Kurtosis: 4.677 Cond. No. 3.30e+03

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 3.3e+03. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.

The R2R^2 value is slightly less than for the log model, but not much, and the F-statistic p-value is comparable. This model doesn’t like cylinder and displacement just like the regular and log models, but also rejects acceleration.

Now we’ll check prediction accuracy

# transform
sqrt_X_train, sqrt_X_test = np.sqrt(X_train), np.sqrt(X_test)

# train sqrt model
sqrt_model = LinearRegression().fit(sqrt_X_train, y_train)

# get train mean squared errors
reg_train_mse = mean_squared_error(y_train, reg_model.predict(X_train))
sqrt_train_mse = mean_squared_error(y_train, sqrt_model.predict(sqrt_X_train))

print("The reg model train mse is {} and the sqrt model train mse is {}".format(round(reg_train_mse, 3), round(sqrt_train_mse, 3)))

# get test mean squared errors
reg_test_mse = mean_squared_error(y_test, reg_model.predict(X_test))
sqrt_test_mse = mean_squared_error(y_test, sqrt_model.predict(sqrt_X_test))

print("The reg model test mse is {} and the sqrt model test mse is {}".format(round(reg_test_mse, 3), round(sqrt_test_mse, 3)))
The reg model train mse is 11.111 and the sqrt model train mse is 10.365
The reg model test mse is 10.434 and the sqrt model test mse is 9.635

Again, the X\sqrt{X} model is better at prediction

The squared model

OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: mpg R-squared: 0.798
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.794
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 219.3
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2018 Prob (F-statistic): 8.35e-131
Time: 19:38:32 Log-Likelihood: -1062.3
No. Observations: 397 AIC: 2141.
Df Residuals: 389 BIC: 2172.
Df Model: 7
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
const 0.9215 2.352 0.392 0.695 -3.702 5.546
cylinders -0.0864 0.025 -3.431 0.001 -0.136 -0.037
displacement 5.672e-05 1.39e-05 4.092 0.000 2.95e-05 8.4e-05
horsepower -2.945e-05 4.98e-05 -0.591 0.555 -0.000 6.85e-05
weight -9.535e-07 8.95e-08 -10.653 0.000 -1.13e-06 -7.77e-07
acceleration 0.0066 0.003 2.466 0.014 0.001 0.012
year 0.0050 0.000 14.360 0.000 0.004 0.006
origin 0.4110 0.069 5.956 0.000 0.275 0.547
Omnibus: 20.163 Durbin-Watson: 1.296
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 27.033
Skew: 0.421 Prob(JB): 1.35e-06
Kurtosis: 3.961 Cond. No. 1.45e+08

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 1.45e+08. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.

Slightly lower R2R^2 and higher FF-statistic pp-value than previous, but seems negligible (in all cases the FF-statistic pp-value is effectively zero)

Let’s check prediction accuracy

# transform
X_sq_train, X_sq_test = X_train**2, X_test**2

# train sqrt model
sq_model = LinearRegression().fit(X_sq_train, y_train)

# get train mean squared errors
reg_train_mse = mean_squared_error(y_train, reg_model.predict(X_train))
sq_train_mse = mean_squared_error(y_train, sq_model.predict(X_sq_train))

print("The reg model train mse is {} and the sq model train mse is {}".format(round(reg_train_mse, 3), round(sq_train_mse, 3)))

# get test mean squared errors
reg_test_mse = mean_squared_error(y_test, reg_model.predict(X_test))
sq_test_mse = mean_squared_error(y_test, sq_model.predict(sq_X_test))

print("The reg model test mse is {} and the sq model test mse is {}".format(round(reg_test_mse, 3), round(sq_test_mse, 3)))
The reg model train mse is 11.111 and the sq model train mse is 12.571
The reg model test mse is 10.434 and the sq model test mse is 12.0

So the X2X^2 model is not as good at predicting as any of the other models