Cascadia Airbnb Analysis of AirBnb listings in Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver.

Data wrangling

In this notebook we clean and tidy our data, and save analysis and modeling for another notebook


# standard imports
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns; sns.set_style('darkgrid')
import re
import os

from collections import defaultdict
from pandas.api.types import CategoricalDtype
from functools import partial
from matplotlib.axes._axes import _log as matplotlib_axes_logger

# settings
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)

Gather and assess

The data we’re using was compiled by InsideAirbnb from information made publicly available on Airbnb. Some interesting disclaimers about the data can be found at the about page as well as more about Inside Airbnb’s model for estimating occupancy rate. You can find datasets for a very large number of major cities worldwide here.

For each city, InsideAirbnb provides data sets which are updated roughly monthly. Let’s collect the most recent available for Vancouver (February 16, 2020), Seattle (February 22, 2020), and Portland (February 13, 2020).

# download and unzip datasets for each city

After unzipping and renaming, we have 3 data files for each city.

File Name Description
listings.csv Detailed Listings data
calendar.csv Detailed Calendar data for listings
neighbourhoods.geojson GeoJSON file of neighbourhoods of the city.

These can all be found in the /data directory.

def load_dfs(file_prefixes, city_names, files_path):
    """Load all but .geojson data files for each city into nested dict of dataframes."""
    dfs = defaultdict(dict)

    for file_prefix in file_prefixes:
        for city_name in city_names:
            file_path = files_path + city_name + '_' + file_prefix + '.csv'
            dfs[file_prefix][city_name] = pd.read_csv(file_path)

    return dfs

file_prefixes = ['listings', 'calendar']
city_names = ['seattle', 'portland', 'vancouver']
files_path = 'data/'
dfs = load_dfs(file_prefixes, city_names, files_path)

Some of the questions we’re interested in involve comparisons between the three cities, so we’ll merge the corresponding dataframes for each city into a single large dataframe.

def merge_dfs(dfs, file_prefixes, city_names):
    """Merge dataframes for each kind of data file."""
    merged_dfs = defaultdict(list)
    for file_prefix in file_prefixes:
        dfs_list = [dfs[file_prefix][city_name] for city_name in city_names]
        merged_dfs[file_prefix] = pd.concat(dfs_list, keys=city_names, names=['city'])
            merged_dfs[file_prefix].drop(columns=['city'], inplace=True)

    return merged_dfs
dfs = merge_dfs(dfs, file_prefixes, city_names)

The main dataset we’ll be relying on is the listings dataset.

listings_df = dfs['listings']
id listing_url scrape_id last_scraped name summary space description experiences_offered neighborhood_overview notes transit access interaction house_rules thumbnail_url medium_url picture_url xl_picture_url host_id host_url host_name host_since host_location host_about host_response_time host_response_rate host_acceptance_rate host_is_superhost host_thumbnail_url host_picture_url host_neighbourhood host_listings_count host_total_listings_count host_verifications host_has_profile_pic host_identity_verified street neighbourhood neighbourhood_cleansed neighbourhood_group_cleansed state zipcode market smart_location country_code country latitude longitude is_location_exact property_type room_type accommodates bathrooms bedrooms beds bed_type amenities square_feet price weekly_price monthly_price security_deposit cleaning_fee guests_included extra_people minimum_nights maximum_nights minimum_minimum_nights maximum_minimum_nights minimum_maximum_nights maximum_maximum_nights minimum_nights_avg_ntm maximum_nights_avg_ntm calendar_updated has_availability availability_30 availability_60 availability_90 availability_365 calendar_last_scraped number_of_reviews number_of_reviews_ltm first_review last_review review_scores_rating review_scores_accuracy review_scores_cleanliness review_scores_checkin review_scores_communication review_scores_location review_scores_value requires_license license jurisdiction_names instant_bookable is_business_travel_ready cancellation_policy require_guest_profile_picture require_guest_phone_verification calculated_host_listings_count calculated_host_listings_count_entire_homes calculated_host_listings_count_private_rooms calculated_host_listings_count_shared_rooms reviews_per_month
seattle 0 2318 20200222045957 2020-02-22 Casa Madrona - Urban Oasis 1 block from the park! Gorgeous, architect remodeled, Dutch Colonial ... This beautiful, gracious home has been complet... Gorgeous, architect remodeled, Dutch Colonial ... none Madrona is a hidden gem of a neighborhood. It ... We adhere to a 10pm -9am quiet hour schedule, ... NaN Guests can access any part of the house. We are a family who live next door and are ava... NaN NaN NaN NaN 2536 Megan 2008-08-26 Seattle, Washington, United States I welcome guests from all walks of life and ev... within an hour 100% 92% t Minor 2.0 2.0 ['email', 'phone', 'reviews', 'jumio', 'offlin... t f Seattle, WA, United States Madrona Madrona Central Area WA 98122 Seattle Seattle, WA US United States 47.61082 -122.29082 t House Entire home/apt 9 2.5 4.0 4.0 Real Bed {Internet,Wifi,Kitchen,"Free parking on premis... NaN $296.00 NaN NaN $500.00 $250.00 8 $25.00 7 1000 7 7 1000 1000 7.0 1000.0 4 weeks ago t 6 36 65 65 2020-02-22 32 11 2008-09-15 2020-02-01 100.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 t STR-OPLI-19-002837 {WASHINGTON," Seattle"," WA"} f f strict_14_with_grace_period f f 2 2 0 0 0.23
1 6606 20200222045957 2020-02-22 Fab, private seattle urban cottage! This tiny cottage is only 15x10, but it has ev... Soo centrally located, this is a little house ... This tiny cottage is only 15x10, but it has ev... none A peaceful yet highly accessible neighborhood,... Check in is at three, if you'd like a snack or... NaN NaN I often escape to kingston and my place on the... Please treat the cottage as if it were your ow... NaN NaN NaN 14942 Joyce 2009-04-26 Seattle, Washington, United States I am a therapist/innkeeper.I know my city well... within a few hours 90% 95% f Wallingford 5.0 5.0 ['email', 'phone', 'facebook', 'reviews', 'kba'] t t Seattle, WA, United States Wallingford Wallingford Other neighborhoods WA 98103 Seattle Seattle, WA US United States 47.65411 -122.33761 t Guesthouse Entire home/apt 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 Real Bed {TV,Internet,Wifi,"Air conditioning",Kitchen,"... NaN $90.00 $670.00 NaN $200.00 $40.00 2 $10.00 30 1125 30 30 1125 1125 30.0 1125.0 3 months ago t 0 0 20 20 2020-02-22 150 16 2009-07-17 2019-09-28 92.0 9.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 t NaN {WASHINGTON," Seattle"," WA"} f f strict_14_with_grace_period f f 3 3 0 0 1.16
2 9419 20200222045957 2020-02-22 Glorious sun room w/ memory foambed This beautiful double room features a magical ... Our new Sunny space has a private room from th... This beautiful double room features a magical ... none Lots of restaurants (see our guide book) bars,... This area is an arts district,you will see all... Car 2 go is in this neigborhood Bus is across ... 24 /7 access kitchen, bathroom and community s... I have a hands on warm approach to guests but ... No drugs,no smoking inside *outside in front o... NaN NaN NaN 30559 Angielena 2009-08-09 Seattle, Washington, United States I am a visual artist who is the director of ... within a few hours 100% 92% t Georgetown 8.0 8.0 ['email', 'phone', 'reviews', 'jumio', 'offlin... t t Seattle, WA, United States Georgetown Georgetown Other neighborhoods WA 98108 Seattle Seattle, WA US United States 47.55017 -122.31937 t Apartment Private room 2 3.0 1.0 1.0 Real Bed {Internet,Wifi,"Air conditioning",Kitchen,"Fre... 200.0 $62.00 $580.00 $1,500.00 $100.00 $20.00 1 $15.00 2 180 2 2 180 180 2.0 180.0 4 weeks ago t 13 43 73 348 2020-02-22 148 17 2010-07-30 2019-12-27 93.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 t str-opli-19-003039 {WASHINGTON," Seattle"," WA"} f f moderate t t 7 0 7 0 1.27
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
MultiIndex: 18429 entries, ('seattle', 0) to ('vancouver', 6205)
Columns: 105 entries, id to reviews_per_month
dtypes: float64(21), int64(21), object(63)
memory usage: 14.9+ MB

There are 19997 total listings, with 105 columns. Columns are well named and descriptive enough to make sense of the variables they correspond to. We note that lot of these variables are long text strings. This dataset provides a lot of interesting opportunities for natural language processing.

We’ll also be making use of the calendar dataset

calendar_df = dfs['calendar']
listing_id date available price adjusted_price minimum_nights maximum_nights
seattle 0 788146 2020-02-22 f $68.00 $68.00 30.0 180.0
1 340706 2020-02-22 t $90.00 $90.00 2.0 60.0
2 340706 2020-02-23 t $90.00 $90.00 2.0 60.0
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
MultiIndex: 6726585 entries, ('seattle', 0) to ('vancouver', 2265189)
Data columns (total 7 columns):
 #   Column          Dtype  
---  ------          -----  
 0   listing_id      int64  
 1   date            object 
 2   available       object 
 3   price           object 
 4   adjusted_price  object 
 5   minimum_nights  float64
 6   maximum_nights  float64
dtypes: float64(2), int64(1), object(4)
memory usage: 412.3+ MB

There are 7298905 calendar entries, with 7 variables describing them. Again column names are descriptive.

Clean and tidy

listings dataset

Drop listings rows or columns

First we check for duplicates

# number of duplicate rows
num_dups = listings_df.duplicated().sum()

Next we’ll looks at rows or columns containing a lot of missing values. We’ll choose a lower threshold of 25% missing values

def prop_missing_vals_df(df, axis=0, threshold=0.25, ascending=False):
    """Get missing values in df by proportion above threshold along axis."""
    prop = df.isna().sum(axis=axis).sort_values(ascending=ascending)
    prop = prop/df.shape[axis] = 'prop_miss_vals'
    return pd.DataFrame(prop[prop > threshold])
# rows with high proportion of missing values in listings df
prop_missing_vals_df(listings_df, axis=1, threshold=0.25)
vancouver 3263 0.323810
5791 0.323810
6006 0.323810
5564 0.323810
seattle 7021 0.323810
... ... ...
portland 4295 0.257143
seattle 764 0.257143
portland 3894 0.257143
vancouver 5921 0.257143
seattle 2987 0.257143

326 rows × 1 columns

There are quite 326 rows missing more than 25% of values, but no rows are missing 100% of values. We’ll address these missing values by column instead.

# columns with high proportion of missing values in listings df
prop_missing_vals_df(listings_df, axis=0, threshold=0.25)
xl_picture_url 1.000000
medium_url 1.000000
thumbnail_url 1.000000
square_feet 0.963536
monthly_price 0.906560
weekly_price 0.893266
neighbourhood_group_cleansed 0.590645
notes 0.414618
access 0.340713
host_about 0.291551
transit 0.258994

Inspecting each of these more carefully, we’ll drop all of these columns for the following reasons:

  • transit, host_about, access, notes: These are all text fields which would require somewhat sophisticated NLP.
  • neighbourhood_group_cleansed: Large proportion of missing values and we can get more precise information from neighborhood
  • weekly_price, monthly_price: Large proportion of missing values and we’re more interested in (daily) price
  • square_feet, thumbnail_url, xl_picture_url, medium_url, host_acceptance_rate: Too high percentage of missing values to be useful.
# start collecting columns to drop from listings df
drop_cols = set(prop_missing_vals_df(listings_df, axis=0).index)

There are quite a few more columns we can drop. To make this easier to manage, lets display columns of listings in alphabetical order:

# alphabetize columns besides those selected for dropping and inspect
alph_cols = list(set(listings_df.columns).difference(drop_cols))
accommodates amenities availability_30 availability_365 availability_60 availability_90 bathrooms bed_type bedrooms beds calculated_host_listings_count calculated_host_listings_count_entire_homes calculated_host_listings_count_private_rooms calculated_host_listings_count_shared_rooms calendar_last_scraped calendar_updated cancellation_policy cleaning_fee country country_code description experiences_offered extra_people first_review guests_included has_availability host_acceptance_rate host_has_profile_pic host_id host_identity_verified host_is_superhost host_listings_count host_location host_name host_neighbourhood host_picture_url host_response_rate host_response_time host_since host_thumbnail_url host_total_listings_count host_url host_verifications house_rules id instant_bookable interaction is_business_travel_ready is_location_exact jurisdiction_names last_review last_scraped latitude license listing_url longitude market maximum_maximum_nights maximum_minimum_nights maximum_nights maximum_nights_avg_ntm minimum_maximum_nights minimum_minimum_nights minimum_nights minimum_nights_avg_ntm name neighborhood_overview neighbourhood neighbourhood_cleansed number_of_reviews number_of_reviews_ltm picture_url price property_type require_guest_phone_verification require_guest_profile_picture requires_license review_scores_accuracy review_scores_checkin review_scores_cleanliness review_scores_communication review_scores_location review_scores_rating review_scores_value reviews_per_month room_type scrape_id security_deposit smart_location space state street summary zipcode
seattle 0 9 {Internet,Wifi,Kitchen,"Free parking on premis... 6 65 36 65 2.5 Real Bed 4.0 4.0 2 2 0 0 2020-02-22 4 weeks ago strict_14_with_grace_period $250.00 United States US Gorgeous, architect remodeled, Dutch Colonial ... none $25.00 2008-09-15 8 t 92% t 2536 f t 2.0 Seattle, Washington, United States Megan Minor 100% within an hour 2008-08-26 2.0 ['email', 'phone', 'reviews', 'jumio', 'offlin... NaN 2318 f We are a family who live next door and are ava... f t {WASHINGTON," Seattle"," WA"} 2020-02-01 2020-02-22 47.61082 STR-OPLI-19-002837 -122.29082 Seattle 1000 7 1000 1000.0 1000 7 7 7.0 Casa Madrona - Urban Oasis 1 block from the park! Madrona is a hidden gem of a neighborhood. It ... Madrona Madrona 32 11 $296.00 House f f t 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 100.0 10.0 0.23 Entire home/apt 20200222045957 $500.00 Seattle, WA This beautiful, gracious home has been complet... WA Seattle, WA, United States Gorgeous, architect remodeled, Dutch Colonial ... 98122

We’ll also drop the following columns for the following reasons:

  • interaction, neighbourhood_overview, description, house_rules, name, space, summary: Long string text columns that could be useful but would require some NLP (which is beyond this scope of this project).
  • calendar_updated, host_location, host_name, host_neighbourhood, host_picture_url, host_thumbnail_url, host_url, host_verifications, is_location_exact, jurisdiction_names, lisence, listing_url, market, name, picture_url, scrape_id: Irrelevant for our analysis
  • maximum_minimum_nights, minimum_maximum_nights, maximum_maximum_nights, minimum_minimum_nights, minimum_nights_avg_ntm, maximum_nights_avg_ntm - Difficult to interpret and possibly less relevant (given presence of minimum_nights, maximum_nights)
  • last_scraped, calendar_last_scraped, country, country_code, experiences_offered, has_availability: All have the same value for this dataset
  • host_has_profile_pic: Extreme class imbalance (99.8% vs. 0.2%).
  • smart_location: Highly imbalanced and superceded by other variables.
  • street: Doesn’t even contain street information!
  • state: Redundant (given city information) and not relevant
  • zipcode: Superceded by other more useful geographic variables (neighbourhood, latitude, longitude)
  • host_listings_count, host_total_listings_count, neighbourhood: Appears to be from original AirBnB data - superceded by other variables created by Inside AirBnB (names beginning with prefix calculated_)
  • number_of_reviews_ltm - meaning unclear

That was a lot of detailed justification! But it can be helpful to be explicit and clear about reasons for ignoring information.

# add remaining columns to drop and drop
more_drop_cols = {'interaction', 'neighborhood_overview', 'description', 'house_rules', 
                  'name', 'space', 'summary', 'calendar_updated', 'host_location',
                  'host_name', 'host_neighbourhood', 'host_picture_url', 
                  'host_thumbnail_url', 'host_url', 'host_verifications', 
                  'is_location_exact', 'jurisdiction_names', 'listing_url', 'market', 
                  'name', 'picture_url', 'scrape_id', 'maximum_minimum_nights', 
                  'minimum_maximum_nights', 'maximum_maximum_nights', 
                  'minimum_minimum_nights', 'minimum_nights_avg_ntm',
                  'maximum_nights_avg_ntm', 'last_scraped', 'calendar_last_scraped', 
                  'country', 'country_code', 'experiences_offered', 'has_availability', 
                  'host_has_profile_pic', 'smart_location', 'street', 'state', 
                  'host_listings_count', 'host_total_listings_count', 
                  'neighbourhood', 'zipcode', 'number_of_reviews_ltm', 'license'}
drop_cols = drop_cols.union(more_drop_cols)
listings_df = listings_df.drop(columns=drop_cols)
def alphabetize_cols(df, first_col='id'):
    """Alphabetize columns."""
    df_cp = df.copy()
    alph_cols = list(df_cp.columns.sort_values())
    alph_cols = [first_col] + alph_cols
    df_cp = df_cp[alph_cols]
    return df_cp

listings_df = alphabetize_cols(listings_df)
Enforce listings dtypes

Now that we’re left with the variables we’re interested in, we’ll see if any need processing before we deal with missing values and setting dtypes

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
MultiIndex: 18429 entries, ('seattle', 0) to ('vancouver', 6205)
Data columns (total 15 columns):
 #   Column                                        Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------                                        --------------  -----
 0   id                                            18429 non-null  int64
 1   accommodates                                  18429 non-null  int64
 2   availability_30                               18429 non-null  int64
 3   availability_365                              18429 non-null  int64
 4   availability_60                               18429 non-null  int64
 5   availability_90                               18429 non-null  int64
 6   calculated_host_listings_count                18429 non-null  int64
 7   calculated_host_listings_count_entire_homes   18429 non-null  int64
 8   calculated_host_listings_count_private_rooms  18429 non-null  int64
 9   calculated_host_listings_count_shared_rooms   18429 non-null  int64
 10  guests_included                               18429 non-null  int64
 11  host_id                                       18429 non-null  int64
 12  maximum_nights                                18429 non-null  int64
 13  minimum_nights                                18429 non-null  int64
 14  number_of_reviews                             18429 non-null  int64
dtypes: int64(15)
memory usage: 2.2+ MB

All of the variables with integer type look good. Also since np.nan is a float, we can conclude all these variables have no missing values

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
MultiIndex: 18429 entries, ('seattle', 0) to ('vancouver', 6205)
Data columns (total 13 columns):
 #   Column                       Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                       --------------  -----  
 0   bathrooms                    18424 non-null  float64
 1   bedrooms                     18409 non-null  float64
 2   beds                         18383 non-null  float64
 3   latitude                     18429 non-null  float64
 4   longitude                    18429 non-null  float64
 5   review_scores_accuracy       15990 non-null  float64
 6   review_scores_checkin        15989 non-null  float64
 7   review_scores_cleanliness    15990 non-null  float64
 8   review_scores_communication  15993 non-null  float64
 9   review_scores_location       15990 non-null  float64
 10  review_scores_rating         15999 non-null  float64
 11  review_scores_value          15991 non-null  float64
 12  reviews_per_month            16089 non-null  float64
dtypes: float64(13)
memory usage: 1.9+ MB

All of these variables are indeed numerical. Some of them could be converted to ints – this may speed computations and reduce the chance of rounding errors. Since np.nan is a float however, we’ll wait until after we handle missing values. Let’s look at which floats can be safely converted to ints.

def can_conv_to_int(list_float_vars):
    """Check which float values can be converted to int without rounding."""
    res = (np.abs(np.floor(list_float_vars) - list_float_vars) > 0).any()
    return ~ res
# dictionary for tracking col dtype conversions
conv_dtypes = defaultdict(set)
# see which float columns can be safely converted to int
conv_to_int = can_conv_to_int(listings_df.select_dtypes('float64').dropna())
conv_to_int_cols = set(conv_to_int[conv_to_int.T].index)
conv_dtypes['int'] = conv_to_int_cols

So we can safely convert all but reviews_per_month, longitude, latitude, and bathrooms to integer type (after we’ve dealt with missing values)

Finally let’s look at object variables

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
MultiIndex: 18429 entries, ('seattle', 0) to ('vancouver', 6205)
Data columns (total 23 columns):
 #   Column                            Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------                            --------------  ----- 
 0   amenities                         18429 non-null  object
 1   bed_type                          18429 non-null  object
 2   cancellation_policy               18429 non-null  object
 3   cleaning_fee                      17148 non-null  object
 4   extra_people                      18429 non-null  object
 5   first_review                      16089 non-null  object
 6   host_acceptance_rate              17008 non-null  object
 7   host_identity_verified            18428 non-null  object
 8   host_is_superhost                 18428 non-null  object
 9   host_response_rate                15535 non-null  object
 10  host_response_time                15535 non-null  object
 11  host_since                        18428 non-null  object
 12  instant_bookable                  18429 non-null  object
 13  is_business_travel_ready          18429 non-null  object
 14  last_review                       16089 non-null  object
 15  neighbourhood_cleansed            18429 non-null  object
 16  price                             18429 non-null  object
 17  property_type                     18429 non-null  object
 18  require_guest_phone_verification  18429 non-null  object
 19  require_guest_profile_picture     18429 non-null  object
 20  requires_license                  18429 non-null  object
 21  room_type                         18429 non-null  object
 22  security_deposit                  15649 non-null  object
dtypes: object(23)
memory usage: 3.3+ MB
amenities bed_type cancellation_policy cleaning_fee extra_people first_review host_acceptance_rate host_identity_verified host_is_superhost host_response_rate host_response_time host_since instant_bookable is_business_travel_ready last_review neighbourhood_cleansed price property_type require_guest_phone_verification require_guest_profile_picture requires_license room_type security_deposit
seattle 0 {Internet,Wifi,Kitchen,"Free parking on premis... Real Bed strict_14_with_grace_period $250.00 $25.00 2008-09-15 92% f t 100% within an hour 2008-08-26 f f 2020-02-01 Madrona $296.00 House f f t Entire home/apt $500.00

Some of these variables can be converted to other appropriate types, without additional processing. We’re careful not to cast to boolean dtype with missing data since pandas will automatically convert np.nan to True

# non-ordered categorical variables
conv_dtypes['categorical'] = {'host_identity_verified', 'host_is_superhost', 'instant_bookable', 
                              'is_business_travel_ready', 'neighbourhood_cleansed', 'property_type', 
                              'require_guest_phone_verification', 'require_guest_profile_picture', 
conv_dtypes['datetime'] = {'first_review', 'host_since', 'last_review'}

listings_df.loc[:, conv_dtypes['categorical']] = listings_df[conv_dtypes[
listings_df.loc[:, conv_dtypes['datetime']] = listings_df[conv_dtypes['datetime']]\

We also have a some categorical data types with natural orderings, since there’s a natural way of assigning a price value to them.

def set_ord_cat_dtypes(listings_df, conv_dtypes, ord_cat_cols):
    """Set ordered categorical columns dtypes."""
    listings_df_cp = listings_df.copy()
    for (col, ordering) in conv_dtypes['ordered_categorical'].items():
        dtype = CategoricalDtype(categories=ordering, ordered=True)
        listings_df_cp[col] = listings_df_cp[col].astype(dtype)
    return listings_df_cp
# ordered categorical variables
ord_cat_cols = ['bed_type', 'cancellation_policy', 'host_response_time', 'room_type']
conv_dtypes['ordered_categorical'] = {col:None for col in ord_cat_cols}
conv_dtypes['ordered_categorical']['bed_type'] = ['Couch', 'Airbed', 'Pull-out Sofa', 
                                                  'Futon', 'Real Bed']
conv_dtypes['ordered_categorical']['cancellation_policy'] = ['super_strict_60', 
                                                             'moderate', 'flexible']
conv_dtypes['ordered_categorical']['host_response_time'] = ['within an hour', 
                                                            'within a few hours', 
                                                            'within a day', 
                                                            'a few days of more']
conv_dtypes['ordered_categorical']['room_type'] = ['Shared room', 'Hotel room', 
                                                   'Private room', 'Entire home/apt']
listings_df = set_ord_cat_dtypes(listings_df, conv_dtypes, ord_cat_cols)

Finally, some of the object variables need to be processed. Some can be easily converted to floats – in this case, it doesn’t matter if np.nan is present or not.

def conv_to_float(entry):
    """Float conversion helper."""
        return entry.replace('$', '').replace('%', '').replace(',', '')
    except AttributeError:
        return entry
def conv_cols(listings_df, conv_dtypes, conv_func, dtype_name):
    """Process/convert columns."""
    listings_df_cp = listings_df.copy()

    for col in conv_dtypes[dtype_name]:
        listings_df_cp[col] = listings_df[col].apply(conv_func)\

    return listings_df_cp
# some float variables
conv_dtypes['float'] = {'cleaning_fee', 'extra_people', 'price', 
                        'security_deposit', 'host_response_rate', 
listings_df = conv_cols(listings_df, conv_dtypes, conv_to_float, 'float')
Missing listings values

Now we’ll take a look at missing values

# columns in listings dataset missing values
miss_vals_df = prop_missing_vals_df(listings_df, axis=0, threshold=0)
miss_vals_df = pd.DataFrame({'col': miss_vals_df.index, 
                            'prop_miss': miss_vals_df['prop_miss_vals'].values, 
                             'dtype': listings_df[miss_vals_df.index].dtypes})
col prop_miss dtype
host_response_time host_response_time 0.165446 category
host_response_rate host_response_rate 0.157035 float64
security_deposit security_deposit 0.150849 float64
review_scores_checkin review_scores_checkin 0.132400 float64
review_scores_location review_scores_location 0.132346 float64
review_scores_cleanliness review_scores_cleanliness 0.132346 float64
review_scores_accuracy review_scores_accuracy 0.132346 float64
review_scores_value review_scores_value 0.132291 float64
review_scores_communication review_scores_communication 0.132183 float64
review_scores_rating review_scores_rating 0.131857 float64
reviews_per_month reviews_per_month 0.126974 float64
last_review last_review 0.126974 datetime64[ns]
first_review first_review 0.126974 datetime64[ns]
host_acceptance_rate host_acceptance_rate 0.077107 float64
cleaning_fee cleaning_fee 0.069510 float64
beds beds 0.002496 float64
bedrooms bedrooms 0.001085 float64
bathrooms bathrooms 0.000271 float64
host_identity_verified host_identity_verified 0.000054 category
host_since host_since 0.000054 datetime64[ns]
host_is_superhost host_is_superhost 0.000054 category

First focussing on review-related variables missing variables, we notice the proportion of missing values is very close.

# review related variables missing values
miss_val_rev_cols = [col for col in miss_vals_df.index if 'review' in col]
miss_vals_df.loc[miss_val_rev_cols, :]
col prop_miss dtype
review_scores_checkin review_scores_checkin 0.132400 float64
review_scores_location review_scores_location 0.132346 float64
review_scores_cleanliness review_scores_cleanliness 0.132346 float64
review_scores_accuracy review_scores_accuracy 0.132346 float64
review_scores_value review_scores_value 0.132291 float64
review_scores_communication review_scores_communication 0.132183 float64
review_scores_rating review_scores_rating 0.131857 float64
reviews_per_month reviews_per_month 0.126974 float64
last_review last_review 0.126974 datetime64[ns]
first_review first_review 0.126974 datetime64[ns]

We’re both interested in the review variables as responses varialbes, so imputing is problematic, especially given the high percentage of missing values. Moreover, it’s possible that the some listings are missing values for all review variables.

# prop of listings missing all review variables
miss_val_rev_df = listings_df[listings_df[miss_val_rev_cols].isna().T.all()]\

So almost all of the variables missing some review information are missing all review information. Let’s compare summary statistics for the listings missing all review information to summary statistics for the entire dataset.

# summary statistics for listings missing review variable values
id accommodates availability_30 availability_365 availability_60 availability_90 bathrooms bedrooms beds calculated_host_listings_count calculated_host_listings_count_entire_homes calculated_host_listings_count_private_rooms calculated_host_listings_count_shared_rooms cleaning_fee extra_people guests_included host_acceptance_rate host_id host_response_rate latitude longitude maximum_nights minimum_nights number_of_reviews price review_scores_accuracy review_scores_checkin review_scores_cleanliness review_scores_communication review_scores_location review_scores_rating review_scores_value reviews_per_month security_deposit
count 2.340000e+03 2340.000000 2340.000000 2340.000000 2340.000000 2340.000000 2339.000000 2331.000000 2300.000000 2340.000000 2340.000000 2340.000000 2340.000000 1878.000000 2340.000000 2340.000000 1865.000000 2.340000e+03 1811.000000 2340.000000 2340.000000 2340.000000 2340.000000 2340.0 2340.000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1734.000000
mean 3.414823e+07 3.338889 14.158547 157.964103 31.888889 50.710256 1.340744 1.422136 1.717826 51.204274 47.062821 1.230769 0.525641 111.756656 10.141026 1.678205 85.252011 1.093410e+08 94.926560 47.739875 -122.692045 777.929487 20.210684 0.0 218.774359 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 466.691465
std 9.352976e+06 2.105213 12.568005 129.301803 24.766538 36.762457 0.645418 1.008679 1.257231 95.190725 95.449701 2.958844 4.424825 101.441680 19.850892 1.424858 25.003858 1.130969e+08 16.545621 1.398476 0.345667 530.030688 30.511747 0.0 512.201897 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 783.654495
min 4.814600e+04 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.014300e+04 0.000000 45.436220 -123.218790 1.000000 1.000000 0.0 0.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.000000
25% 3.267230e+07 2.000000 0.000000 43.750000 0.000000 4.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 50.000000 0.000000 1.000000 68.000000 8.534462e+06 99.000000 47.547308 -123.106838 90.000000 1.000000 0.0 89.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.000000
50% 3.707740e+07 2.000000 14.000000 126.000000 38.000000 63.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 3.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 89.000000 0.000000 1.000000 99.000000 4.880712e+07 100.000000 47.636640 -122.673940 1125.000000 30.000000 0.0 142.500000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 300.000000
75% 4.094748e+07 4.000000 28.000000 274.000000 58.000000 88.000000 1.500000 2.000000 2.000000 28.000000 13.000000 1.000000 0.000000 145.000000 20.000000 2.000000 100.000000 2.225925e+08 100.000000 49.253462 -122.337650 1125.000000 30.000000 0.0 200.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 500.000000
max 4.244232e+07 20.000000 30.000000 365.000000 60.000000 90.000000 7.000000 13.000000 19.000000 302.000000 302.000000 25.000000 57.000000 656.000000 350.000000 20.000000 100.000000 3.368498e+08 100.000000 49.293880 -122.240950 9999.000000 365.000000 0.0 9999.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 6709.000000
# summary statistics for full listings dataset
id accommodates availability_30 availability_365 availability_60 availability_90 bathrooms bedrooms beds calculated_host_listings_count calculated_host_listings_count_entire_homes calculated_host_listings_count_private_rooms calculated_host_listings_count_shared_rooms cleaning_fee extra_people guests_included host_acceptance_rate host_id host_response_rate latitude longitude maximum_nights minimum_nights number_of_reviews price review_scores_accuracy review_scores_checkin review_scores_cleanliness review_scores_communication review_scores_location review_scores_rating review_scores_value reviews_per_month security_deposit
count 1.842900e+04 18429.000000 18429.000000 18429.000000 18429.000000 18429.000000 18424.000000 18409.000000 18383.000000 18429.000000 18429.000000 18429.000000 18429.000000 17148.000000 18429.000000 18429.000000 17008.000000 1.842900e+04 15535.000000 18429.000000 18429.000000 18429.000000 18429.000000 18429.000000 18429.000000 15990.000000 15989.000000 15990.000000 15993.000000 15990.00000 15999.000000 15991.000000 16089.000000 15649.000000
mean 2.389069e+07 3.568126 12.350426 148.143307 28.582506 46.318248 1.295538 1.417622 1.858075 17.553476 15.576591 0.824896 0.252700 80.080651 13.715448 1.970644 91.943438 8.178062e+07 97.533891 47.643656 -122.676035 612.999891 11.241250 55.183081 159.907483 9.766354 9.826756 9.655159 9.834615 9.81207 95.576224 9.540742 2.411813 306.152662
std 1.238720e+07 2.157336 11.021889 121.067805 22.045518 32.808867 0.628650 1.019990 1.367288 56.309083 55.606749 2.218354 3.339698 67.365202 23.227078 1.584518 17.186222 9.396449e+07 10.668785 1.420644 0.336688 559.068779 23.188497 82.727205 258.998090 0.662001 0.600856 0.733419 0.607892 0.53100 6.720840 0.761208 2.201809 515.534116
min 2.318000e+03 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.618000e+03 0.000000 45.434560 -123.218790 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000 2.00000 20.000000 2.000000 0.010000 0.000000
25% 1.410369e+07 2.000000 0.000000 44.000000 3.000000 12.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 40.000000 0.000000 1.000000 93.000000 8.534462e+06 100.000000 45.591890 -123.088580 30.000000 1.000000 3.000000 76.000000 10.000000 10.000000 9.000000 10.000000 10.00000 94.000000 9.000000 0.620000 0.000000
50% 2.464953e+07 3.000000 11.000000 123.000000 30.000000 51.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 60.000000 7.000000 1.000000 99.000000 3.836791e+07 100.000000 47.634460 -122.637710 1124.000000 2.000000 21.000000 113.000000 10.000000 10.000000 10.000000 10.000000 10.00000 98.000000 10.000000 1.790000 200.000000
75% 3.516444e+07 4.000000 23.000000 252.000000 49.000000 77.000000 1.500000 2.000000 2.000000 4.000000 2.000000 1.000000 0.000000 100.000000 20.000000 2.000000 100.000000 1.342970e+08 100.000000 49.248060 -122.341340 1125.000000 30.000000 73.000000 180.000000 10.000000 10.000000 10.000000 10.000000 10.00000 99.000000 10.000000 3.670000 500.000000
max 4.244232e+07 26.000000 30.000000 365.000000 60.000000 90.000000 16.000000 30.000000 49.000000 302.000000 302.000000 25.000000 57.000000 700.000000 399.000000 20.000000 100.000000 3.368498e+08 100.000000 49.293880 -122.240950 10000.000000 998.000000 828.000000 13000.000000 10.000000 10.000000 10.000000 10.000000 10.00000 100.000000 10.000000 16.650000 6709.000000

The summary statistics suggest that, for listings missing review information the distributions of variables are different, than the distributions for all listings, so dropping these listings could bias the results. However, our analysis focuses on review variables, and moreover since they will be used as response variables, imputation seems like a bad plan. We’ll go ahead drop rows missing any review variables

# drop rows missing any review variables
mask = listings_df[miss_val_rev_cols].isna().sum(axis=1) == 0
listings_df = listings_df[mask]

We’ll also drop last_review and first_review columns as these are probably not too relevant for our analysis (although number_of_reviews and reviews_per_month will be)

# drop two more review columns
listings_df = listings_df.drop(columns=['first_review', 'last_review'])

Now focusing on the variables bedrooms, bathrooms, beds, host_since, host_identity_verified, host_is_superhost, we notice all have less than 1% missing values, so simple imputation choices seem unproblematic here. Let’s look at their distributions.

# quantitative variables with small proportion of missing values
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(12, 3))
for (i, col) in enumerate(['bathrooms', 'beds', 'bedrooms']):
    sns.distplot(listings_df[col].dropna(), ax=axs[i], kde=False)


Each of these variables is highly peaked and highly right skewed, so the imputing them with the mode (instead of mean or median) is a reasonable choice

# categorical variables with small proportion of missing values
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 3))
for (i, col) in enumerate(['host_is_superhost', 'host_identity_verified']):
    sns.countplot(listings_df[col].dropna(), ax=axs[i % 2])


These binary variables are fairly evenly distributed, so the imputing them with mode is a reasonable choice.

# dictionary for imputation methods for columns with missing values
impute_vals = defaultdict(None)
# imputation values for some columns
for col in ['bathrooms', 'beds', 'bedrooms', 'host_since',
            'host_is_superhost', 'host_identity_verified']:
    impute_vals[col] = listings_df[col].mode().values[0]

Now let’s look at the distributions of host_acceptance_rate, cleaning_fee and security_deposit

fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(12, 5))
for (i, col) in enumerate(['host_acceptance_rate', 'cleaning_fee', 'security_deposit']):
    sns.distplot(listings_df[col].dropna(), kde=False, norm_hist=True, ax=axs[i])


Given the large peak around zero for security_deposit and around 100 for host_acceptance_rate, and the the fact that it seems reasonable to assign a value of zero to a listing that doesn’t have security deposit information available, we’ll use this for our imputation value. We’ll use median for cleaning_fee, since it’s highly peaked and skewed at a non-zero value.

# imputation values for more columns
impute_vals['security_deposit'] = 0
impute_vals['cleaning_fee'] = listings_df['cleaning_fee'].dropna().median()
impute_vals['host_acceptance_rate'] = listings_df['host_acceptance_rate'].dropna().median()

Finally let’s look at the distributions of host_response_rate and host_response_time

fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 5))
sns.distplot(listings_df['host_response_rate'].dropna(), kde=False, norm_hist=True, ax=axs[0])
sns.countplot(listings_df['host_response_time'].dropna(), ax=axs[1])
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x14362b280>


Given the large skewness and peaks, we’ll impute these with mode as well

# last imputation values
for col in ['host_response_rate', 'host_response_time']:
    impute_vals[col] = listings_df[col].mode().values[0]
# impute all missing values
listings_df = listings_df.fillna(impute_vals)
Downcast listings dtypes

In the last section we noted that some float variables could be downcast to ints to speed up computation. We’ll do that now.

# downcast to int
listings_df.loc[:, conv_dtypes['int']] = listings_df[conv_dtypes['int']].astype('int') 

Now that we have no missing values, we can also cast some categorical to boolean dtypes

def conv_to_bool(entry):
    """Convert string entries to booleans."""
    return entry == 't'

conv_dtypes['bool'] = {'host_identity_verified', 'host_is_superhost', 
                       'instant_bookable', 'is_business_travel_ready', 
                       'require_guest_profile_picture', 'requires_license'}

# downcast to boolean
listings_df = conv_cols(listings_df, conv_dtypes, conv_to_bool, 'bool') 

calendar dataset

Drop calendar rows or columns

We check for duplicates

num_dups = calendar_df.duplicated().sum()

Next we’ll looks at rows or columns containing a lot of missing values. We’ll choose a lower threshold of 25% missing values

# rows with high proportion of missing values in listings df
prop_missing_vals_df(calendar_df, axis=1)
vancouver 175625 0.285714
463 0.285714
461 0.285714
460 0.285714
459 0.285714
... ...
197337 0.285714
197336 0.285714
197335 0.285714
197353 0.285714
197351 0.285714

1084 rows × 1 columns

# columns with high proportion of missing values in listings df
prop_missing_vals_df(calendar_df, axis=0)

No columns are missing >25% of values, but 1084 rows are missing about 28.5% of values. We’ll look closer at these rows.

# rows missing values
miss_vals_df = calendar_df.loc[calendar_df.isna().sum(axis=1) > 0]
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
MultiIndex: 1084 entries, ('portland', 298877) to ('vancouver', 1856971)
Data columns (total 7 columns):
 #   Column          Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------          --------------  -----  
 0   listing_id      1084 non-null   int64  
 1   date            1084 non-null   object 
 2   available       1084 non-null   object 
 3   price           5 non-null      object 
 4   adjusted_price  5 non-null      object 
 5   minimum_nights  1079 non-null   float64
 6   maximum_nights  1079 non-null   float64
dtypes: float64(2), int64(1), object(4)
memory usage: 21.1+ MB
# listing ids of calendar entries with missing values
miss_cal_idx = miss_vals_df.reset_index(level=0)\
               .groupby(['city', 'listing_id'])['listing_id'].count()
city       listing_id
portland   6132497         5
vancouver  906964        178
           5807056       178
           7150429       179
           14237741        8
           27466923      179
           38825501      178
           39093654      179
Name: listing_id, dtype: int64

The missing calendar rows are concentrated in just eight listing ids. Six of these listing ids are missing a large number of entries (around half a year of data), we’ll drop these from both data sets.

# drop listing ids with large number of missing entries
listing_ids = {index[1] for index in miss_cal_idx[miss_cal_idx > 8].index}
list_ids_mask = ~ listings_df['id'].apply(lambda x: x in listing_ids)
listings_df = listings_df[list_ids_mask]
cal_ids_mask = ~ calendar_df['listing_id'].apply(lambda x: x in listing_ids)
calendar_df = calendar_df[cal_ids_mask]

We’ll also drop adjusted_price. This appears to be a variable added by InsideAirBnB, but couldn’t find any information about it. Furthermore, we assume price in the calendar dataset is the equivalent to price in listings

calendar_df = calendar_df.drop(columns=['adjusted_price'])
Enforce calendar dtypes
listing_id          int64
date               object
available          object
price              object
minimum_nights    float64
maximum_nights    float64
dtype: object
# set dtypes
calendar_df.loc[:, 'date'] = calendar_df['date'].astype('datetime64')
conv_dtypes = defaultdict(set)
conv_dtypes['bool'] = {'available'}
conv_dtypes['float'] = {'price'}
calendar_df = conv_cols(calendar_df, conv_dtypes, conv_to_bool, 'bool')
calendar_df = conv_cols(calendar_df, conv_dtypes, conv_to_float, 'float')
Missing calendar values

Finally we’ll deal with the remaining missing values in calendar

miss_vals_df = calendar_df.loc[calendar_df.isna().sum(axis=1) > 0]
listing_id date available price minimum_nights maximum_nights
vancouver 398064 14237741 2021-02-07 False NaN 2.0 30.0
398065 14237741 2021-02-08 False NaN 2.0 30.0
398066 14237741 2021-02-09 False NaN 2.0 30.0
398067 14237741 2021-02-10 False NaN 2.0 30.0
398068 14237741 2021-02-11 False NaN 2.0 30.0
398069 14237741 2021-02-12 False NaN 3.0 30.0
398070 14237741 2021-02-13 False NaN 2.0 30.0
398071 14237741 2021-02-14 False NaN 2.0 30.0

To deal with the missing minimum_nights and maximum_nights for listing 6132497, we’ll look for other values of these variables for this listing.

# unique values of maximum nights
calendar_df[calendar_df['listing_id'] == 6132497]['maximum_nights'].unique()
array([28., nan])
# unique values of maximum nights
calendar_df[calendar_df['listing_id'] == 6132497]['minimum_nights'].unique()
array([ 1., nan])

Since this listing only ever had one non-null value for these variables, it makes sense to impute that

# fill missing values for listing 6132497
miss_cal_idx = miss_vals_df[miss_vals_df['listing_id'] == 6132497].index
calendar_df.loc[miss_cal_idx, 'minimum_nights'] = 1.0
calendar_df.loc[miss_cal_idx, 'maximum_nights'] = 28.0

The remaining missing values for listing 14237741 are all in the same week. It makes sense to backfill with prices from the corresponding days on the previous week.

def backfill_missing_prices(calendar_df, miss_price_vals_df):
    """Backfill missing price data for two listings in calendar dataset."""
    week_delta = pd.Timedelta(1, unit='w')
    calendar_df_cp = calendar_df.copy()
    for index in miss_price_vals_df.index:
        listing_id = miss_price_vals_df.loc[index]['listing_id']
        one_week_ago = miss_price_vals_df.loc[index]['date'] - week_delta
        mask = ((calendar_df_cp['listing_id'] == listing_id) & 
               (calendar_df_cp['date'] == one_week_ago))
        price = calendar_df_cp[mask]['price'].values[0]
        calendar_df_cp.loc[index, 'price'] = price
    return calendar_df_cp

miss_price_vals_df = miss_vals_df[miss_vals_df['listing_id'] == 14237741]
calendar_df = backfill_missing_prices(calendar_df, miss_price_vals_df)
# check backfill worked
len(calendar_df[(cal_id_mask) &  calendar_df['price'].isna()])

The calendar data for the three cities was collected at different times, so we need to sync up the dates for comparison.

maxmin_date = '2020-02-22'
minmax_date = '2021-02-13'
cal_date_mask = ((calendar_df['date'] >= maxmin_date) & (calendar_df['date'] <= minmax_date))
calendar_df = calendar_df[cal_date_mask]

Create amenities features.

There’s a lot of potentially useful information in the amentities column but it’s going to take a little bit of work to get it. Currently the entries in the amenities columns are long strings containing amenities for that listing.

amenities_series = listings_df['amenities']
seattle    0       {Internet,Wifi,Kitchen,"Free parking on premis...
           1       {TV,Internet,Wifi,"Air conditioning",Kitchen,"...
           2       {Internet,Wifi,"Air conditioning",Kitchen,"Fre...
           3       {TV,"Cable TV",Wifi,"Air conditioning",Kitchen...
           4       {TV,"Cable TV",Internet,Wifi,"Wheelchair acces...
vancouver  6130    {Wifi,Kitchen,"Free street parking",Heating,Wa...
           6145    {TV,Wifi,Kitchen,"Paid parking off premises","...
           6150    {TV,Wifi,"Air conditioning",Pool,Kitchen,Gym,E...
           6152    {TV,"Cable TV",Wifi,Kitchen,"Free parking on p...
           6174    {Wifi,Kitchen,Breakfast,"Free street parking",...
Name: amenities, Length: 15983, dtype: object

To proceed we need to do a bit of processing.

def process_amenities(amenities_series):
    """Process entries in amenities series."""
    # convert amenities lists into sets of strings
    amenities_series = amenities_series.apply(lambda x: set(x.split(',')))
    # set for tracking unique amenities
    amenities_set = set()
    # for dropping all non alphanumeric characters
    regex = re.compile('[^0-9a-zA-Z ]+')
    # function for processing each amenity lists in series entries
    def process_and_add(amenities_set, regex, amens_entry):
        new_amens_entry = set()
        for amen in amens_entry:
            # drop non alpha numeric
            amen = regex.sub('', amen)
            # don't keep track of translation failures
            if 'translation' in amen:
                # add to main set if it hasn't been seen
                if amen not in amenities_set:
        return new_amens_entry
    # process amenity list entries in series
    apply_func = partial(process_and_add, amenities_set, regex)
    amenities_series = amenities_series.apply(apply_func)

    return amenities_series, amenities_set

def rename_amenities(amenities_series, amenities_set, amenities_mapping):
    """Clean up amenities names."""
    amenities_set = {amen if amen not in amenities_mapping
                     else amenities_mapping[amen] for amen in amenities_set}
    amenities_set = {'amen_' + amen.replace(' ', '_').lower() for amen
                     in amenities_set}

    # function for renaming amenity lists in series entries
    def rename_amens(amenities_mapping, amens_entry):
        new_amens_entry = set()
        for amen in amens_entry:
                amen = amenities_mapping[amen]
            except KeyError:
            amen = 'amen_' + amen.replace(' ', '_').lower()
        return new_amens_entry

    # process amenity list entries in series
    apply_func = partial(rename_amens, amenities_mapping)
    amenities_series = amenities_series.apply(apply_func)

    return amenities_series, amenities_set
# get renamed series and set of amenities
amenities_series, amenities_set = process_amenities(
amenities_mapping = {' toilet': 'Toilet',
                     '24hour checkin': '24 hour checkin',
                     'Accessibleheight bed': 'Accessible height bed',
                     'Accessibleheight toilet':
                     'Accessible height toilet',
                     'Buzzerwireless intercom': 'Buzzer/Wireless intercom',
                     'Familykid friendly': 'Family/kid friendly',
                     'Highresolution computer monitor':
                     'High resolution computer monitor',
                     'Pack n Playtravel crib': 'Pack-n-Play travel crib',
                     'Roomdarkening shades': 'Room darkening shades',
                     'Self checkin': 'Self check-in',
                     'SkiinSkiout': 'Ski-in/Ski-out',
                     'Stepfree shower': 'Step-free shower',
                     'Washer  Dryer': 'Washer/Dryer',
                     'Welllit path to entrance':
                     'Well-lit path to entrance'}
amenities_series, amenities_set = rename_amenities(amenities_series,

Now we have a series of lists of cleaned up amenity names

seattle    0       {amen_stove, amen_free_parking_on_premises, am...
           1       {amen_heating, amen_hangers, amen_hair_dryer, ...
           2       {amen_stove, amen_heating, amen_first_aid_kit,...
           3       {amen_well-lit_path_to_entrance, amen_heating,...
           4       {amen_stove, amen_heating, amen_wheelchair_acc...
vancouver  6130    {amen_stove, amen_heating, amen_dishwasher, am...
           6145    {amen_stove, amen_heating, amen_bbq_grill, ame...
           6150    {amen_stove, amen_heating, amen_hot_tub, amen_...
           6152    {amen_stove, amen_heating, amen_indoor_firepla...
           6174    {amen_stove, amen_heating, amen_first_aid_kit,...
Name: amenities, Length: 15983, dtype: object

And a set of all unique amenities. Let’s see how many there are

# count number of unique amenities

Let’s whittle this number down by taking amenities which are don’t have extremely unbalanced distributions. We’ll find amenities present in more than 10% but less than 90% of listings.

def count_amenities(amenities_series, amenities_set):
    """Count total occurences of each amenity in dataset."""
    amenities_count = {amen: 0 for amen in amenities_set}

    for amens_entry in amenities_series:
        for amen in amens_entry:
            amenities_count[amen] += 1

    return amenities_count

def get_amenities_cols(amenities_series, amenities_count,
                       prop_low=0.1, prop_hi=0.9):
    """Return amenities with proportion in between thresholds."""
    # dataframe of amenities counts
    n = len(amenities_series)
    amenities_prop_df = pd.DataFrame(amenities_count, index=['prop']).T
    amenities_prop_df = amenities_prop_df.sort_values(by='prop')/n
    amenities_prop_df = amenities_prop_df.query('prop >= ' + str(prop_low))
    amenities_prop_df = amenities_prop_df.query('prop <= ' + str(prop_hi))

    return set(amenities_prop_df.index)
# get amenities present in > 10% and less than 90% of listings
amenities_count = count_amenities(amenities_series, amenities_set)
amenities_cols = get_amenities_cols(amenities_series, amenities_count,
                                    prop_low=0.1, prop_hi=0.9)
# check number of these

That’s a more reasonable number of amenities for us to consider. Finally we’ll create a dataframe of boolean variables the presence/absence of these amenities for each listing. We’ll also include a variable which counts the number of these amenities present for each listing

def get_amenities_df(amenities_series, amenities_cols):
    """Create dataframe of amenities variables."""
    amenities_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=amenities_cols,

    def has_amenity(amenity, amens_entry):
        return amenity in amens_entry

    for amenity in amenities_cols:
        applyfunc = partial(has_amenity, amenity)
        amenities_df.loc[:, amenity] = amenities_series.apply(applyfunc)

    def num_amenities(amenities_cols, amen_entry):
        return len(set(amen_entry).intersection(amenities_cols))

    applyfunc = partial(num_amenities, amenities_cols)
    amenities_df['num_amenities'] = amenities_series.apply(applyfunc)

    return amenities_df
# dataframe with amenities as boolean columns
amenities_df = get_amenities_df(amenities_series, amenities_cols)
amen_stove amen_free_parking_on_premises amen_bathtub amen_bbq_grill amen_indoor_fireplace amen_dishwasher amen_first_aid_kit amen_hot_water amen_hair_dryer amen_microwave amen_pets_allowed amen_coffee_maker amen_dryer amen_oven amen_free_street_parking amen_garden_or_backyard amen_tv amen_cooking_basics amen_air_conditioning amen_safety_card amen_cable_tv amen_internet amen_luggage_dropoff_allowed amen_carbon_monoxide_detector amen_keypad amen_childrens_books_and_toys amen_pack-n-play_travel_crib amen_lockbox amen_fire_extinguisher amen_private_living_room amen_dishes_and_silverware amen_gym amen_bed_linens amen_elevator amen_kitchen amen_family/kid_friendly amen_extra_pillows_and_blankets amen_washer amen_single_level_home amen_lock_on_bedroom_door amen_iron amen_refrigerator amen_self_check-in amen_pets_live_on_this_property amen_long_term_stays_allowed amen_patio_or_balcony amen_laptop_friendly_workspace amen_24_hour_checkin amen_private_entrance num_amenities
seattle 0 True True False False True True True True True True True True True True True True False True False False False True True True False True True False True False True False False False True True False True False False True True False False True True True False False 30
1 False True False False False False False False True False False False False False False False True False True False False True False True False False False False True False False False True False True False True False False False True False False False False False True True True 14
2 True True False False False False True True True True False True True True True False False True True True False True False False False False False False True True True False True False True False True True False True True True False True False False True False False 26
3 False False False False False False True False True True False True True False True False True False True False True False True True False False False False True False True False True False True False True True False True True True False False False True True False False 22
4 True False False True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True False True True True True True False False False False True False True False True False True False True True True False True True False False True True True True True 35
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
vancouver 6130 True False False False False True True True True True False True True True True True False True False False False False True True False False False False True False True False True False True False True True False True True True False False True False False False False 24
6145 True False False True True False True True False False False False False True True False True True False False False False False True False False False False True False False False True False True False True False False False False True False False False False True False True 17
6150 True False True False False True True True True True False True True True False False True True True False False False False True False False False False True False True True True True True False True True False False True True False False True True True False True 28
6152 True True False False True True False True True True False True True True False False True True False False True False True True False False False False True False True False True False True False True True False False True True False False True False True False False 25
6174 True False False False False False True True True True False True True True True True False False False False False False False True False False False False True False False False True False True False False True False False True True False False False False True False True 19

15983 rows × 50 columns

And finally, we’ll add this to our listings dataframe

# add amenities to listings df
listings_df = pd.concat([listings_df, amenities_df], axis=1)\

Currency conversion

The Vancouver prices are expressed in CAD, so we’ll convert to USD. The exchange rate as of November 26, 2019 was 1 CAD = 0.75341 USD.

def conv_cad_to_usd(entry):
    """Currency conversion helper."""
    return round(0.76124 * entry, 0)

def conv_curr_cols(df, curr_cols, curr_conv_func):
    """Convert currency columns."""
    df_cp = df.copy()
    df_cp.loc[:, curr_cols] = \
        df_cp[curr_cols].apply(lambda x: conv_cad_to_usd(x) 
                               if 'vancouver' in else x, axis=1)
    return df_cp
# convert currency columns in listings df
list_curr_cols = ['cleaning_fee', 'price', 'security_deposit']
listings_df = conv_curr_cols(listings_df, list_curr_cols, conv_cad_to_usd)
# workaround for converting calendar columns due to slowness of conv_curr_cols
cal_van_price = calendar_df.loc['vancouver']['price'].apply(conv_cad_to_usd).values
cal_other_price = calendar_df.loc[['seattle', 'portland']]['price'].values
calendar_df.loc[:, 'price'] = np.append(cal_other_price, cal_van_price)

Save cleaned datasets

# save dfs as h5 files to save write time
listings_df = alphabetize_cols(listings_df)
listings_df.to_hdf('data/listings.h5', key='listings', mode='w', format='table')
calendar_df = alphabetize_cols(calendar_df, first_col='listing_id')
calendar_df.to_hdf('data/calendar.h5', key='calendar', mode='w', format='table')
# delete unwanted dataset
datadir = './data'
for item in os.listdir(datadir):
    if item.endswith('csv'):
        os.remove(os.path.join(datadir, item))